Archmage - Hailing from the magical kingdom of Dalaran, the Archmagi
represent the pinnacle of magical power. Weaving their intricate
enchantments, these crotchety old wizards are called upon to defend
humanity with all the magical powers at their disposal. Mounted atop
their trusty steeds, the Archmagi brandish ancient staves that serve to
channel their fierce energies in battle. Though gruff and slightly
aloof, these experienced wizards are a heartening sight upon any
battlefield where the fate of humanity lies in peril.
Blood Mage - Many of the stoic high elves, reeling from the
loss of their ancient homeland, Quel'Thalas,
have given in to their hatred and despair and embraced the dark side of
their magical natures. Calling themselves 'Blood Elves' - these cold hearted refugees seek
to expand their remaining magical powers at any cost - even if it means
courting the infernal powers of the Burning Legion! Though still loyal to the Alliance,
the Blood Elves' passions will lead them not only to the highest
pinnacles of power, but to the darkest depths of madness.
Mountain King - The Mountain Kings, or 'Thanes' as they are known in Khaz Modan,
are the mightiest Dwarven warriors under the mountain. Wielding both
enchanted warhammers and hand axes, these fierce fighters live to test
themselves against worthy opponents. Unconcerned with their race's
preoccupation with mechanical devices and mining precious minerals,
Mountain Kings live only for battle. Dedicated to safeguarding the Alliance
which saved their kingdom during the Second War,
the Mountain Kings can be counted upon to rally behind any banner that
stands between freedom and the ever looming shadow of evil.
Paladin - Although the Paladins were once loved and revered throughout the
lands of Lordaeron,
they have since fallen on hard times. The entire Order of the Silver Hand was
disbanded for refusing to kill innocent townsfolk who were believed to
be contaminated by the dreaded Undead plague. Disenfranchised and driven from their former
homes, the Paladins still work selflessly to protect humanity from the
gnawing jaws of evil. Empowered by the Light, these
mighty warriors brandish both warhammer and holy fire in battle against
all who would trample the meek and innocent.
Blademaster - Though their numbers are few, the seasoned Blademasters represent an elite fighting force within the Horder. These skilled swordsmen were once part of the ill-fated Buring Blade Clan which consumed itself in the throes of Demonic corruption. With their Clan scattered and broken, the proud Blademasters swore a grim oath to free themselves and their brethren from Demonic control once and for all. Under Thrall's command, the Blademasters have once again joined the Horde and serve as the young Warchief personal honor guard.
Far Seer - Far Seers are ancient Orcs who represent the pinnacle of Shamanistic power.
These powerful Sharmans are counted amongst Thrall's closest
advisors and are constantly in tune with the workings and maneuverings
of the Horde.
Far Seers are not only tied to the elements of the earth and sky, but
are also adept at foretelling the future.
Shadow Hunter - These reclusive, wily jungle trolls are considered to be the highest
authority within their respective warbands. They are masters of voodoo
magics who can use their spirit-powers to both heal their allies and
place curses upon their hapless enemies. The Shadow Hunters walk the
line between darkness and light in hopes of salvaging the future for
their savage brethren.
Tauren Chieftain - These elder Tauren
warriors lead their Tribes in daily life as well as in battle.
Ceremoniously decked with the ancient totems of their Tribes, Chiefs
uphold the honor and simplicity of Tauren culture. When roused by
battle, the gigantic Chiefs employ enormous warblades which are capable
of tearing through solid trees with one mighty swipe. The Chiefs are
fascinated by the Orcs ,
especially their young leader, Thrall. The Chiefs see an opportunity to help the
Orcs return to their traditional roots by providing a strong example of
honor and courage through all Tauren warriors.
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