Tuesday 30 April 2013

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos

Warcraft III: Reign of chaos is a computer game released on July 3 2002 by the blizzard corporation. The game is the sequal to Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness and is a computer game involving strategy. Warcraft III saw the addition of 2 new races night elves and the undead, along with the original Human Alliance and Orcish Horde. The game can either be played in campaign mode, where the player attempts to complete missions and each race has a different campaign or in multiplayer mode where the player challenges other players from across the globe. The objective of the game has remained the same, to destroy the enemies units and base.
Despite this, Warcraft III proved to be the innovator in strategy games. Heroes in the previous Warcrafts were merely powerful variants of units. Warcraft 3 now enabled heroes to level up, obtain new spells, carry and trade items and possess special abilities, making them more important than ever before.
Another innovative feature of the game was the introduction of creeps. Creeps were computer controlled units designed to guard and protect key resources. This introduction changed the way the game was played as it encouraged aggressive players in order the gather these resources rather than defensive players just building up their base and rarely attacking.
All up Warcraft III due to its many innovative features proved to be amongst the most sucessful games ever created, with 4.5 million copies sold in the first month alone. Even though the game is over 10 years old the game is still played today through the evolution of the game through their expansion pack frozen throne and is still the most popular ever real-time strategy game.

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